Wednesday, December 26, 2018

How Visbiome Benefits our digestive and immune system

As a part of  our nutritional diet, wide variety of supplements are available for our use. However, not all supplement are the same in providing benefits. Unlike other probiotic supplements, Visbiome benefits are proven. With over 60 clinical studies, Visbiome formulation is the most studied formulation in the world.

Visbiome Benefits.

One of many Visbiome benefits includes essential benefit of the immune system. Living in a hygienic community and extreme hygiene has its downsides. While we take to many antibiotics and use a lot of cleaning and antibacterial products. This does not help and this can disrupt the balance of good bacteria turning our gut flora in to mess. Studies indicate that taking probiotics while on antibiotics may help people be more lively, healthier, and more active throughout the day while helping your gut flora to be in good shape. There is no question that probiotic supplements may be extremely beneficial for your body.

Other Visbiome Benefits.

Bacteria in Visbiome probiotic are necessary to absorb the food we eat. In fact, various nutrients, like certain minerals and vitamin B-12, cannot be absorbed without the help of these friendly microorganisms. Visbiome benefits our digestive system and plays an important role in preventing these types of problems, in addition to keeping your gut flora and digestive system functioning properly.
In the mid-1990s, Professor Claudio De Simone, M.D. invented a proprietary blend of probiotic strains (the “De Simone Formulation”).  Most recently the professor De Simone collaborated with ExeGi Pharma, LLC to produce Visbiome, a probiotic that uses the original proprietary blend of probiotic strains that De Simone originally invented over 20 years a go. Also, Visbiome Capsules contain non dairy free formulation. In fact, researchers widely studyed this formulation and with over 60 published human clinical studies this is the most studied probiotic in the world..
Visbiome is available in capsule and powder packet form.  Each Visbiome capsule contains 112.5 Billion strain, while Visbiome Powder packet contains 450 Billion Strain. Visbiome is available over the counter. However, Vissbiome ES requires a doctors prescription. All Visbiome product should be taking under supervision of a physician.
Visbiome is available at Vitamin Cove USA. We ship Visbiome refrigerated. Every Visbiome shipment includes at least one 24 oz ice pack and Styrofoam lined box.
Visbiome Benefits        Visbiome Benefits

Monday, December 24, 2018

Probiotics, Their Effect on Inflammation and Gut Health in Patients with HIV.

New antiretroviral therapies have substantially improved morbidity and mortality in patients with
HIV, though chronic inflammation of the gut still remains an issue in this patient population.

Gut Theraphy.

The use of alternative therapies is very common among people living with HIV. However, their
efficacy has generally not been well demonstrated. Probiotics are live microbes. This live microorganisms provide a health benefit to the host and the investigators believe that the simultaneous use of probiotics
along with antiretroviral therapy will improve gut cell repair and function and therefore reduce
Several studies are underway with the probiotic supplement Visbiome using 900 billion live
bacteria daily. Visbiome is a live bacteria medical grade probioticVisbiome is a high potency probiotic
consisting of eight strains of live, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria. Visbiome is a medical food.

Visbiome High Potency.

Probiotics are live microorganisms. Therefore when administered in adequate amounts, good bacteria provides a
health benefit. Probiotics are intended to modulate and augment the microbiome (colonies of
microbes in gut) for beneficial or therapeutic effects. Probiotic Visbiome consists of a high potency
blend of eight different Bacteria strains. Visbiome probiotic is supplied in powder as well as capsule form.

Visbiome Clinical Studies.

Studies have shown that Visbiome may modulate the immune response towards a phenotype that
is associated with reduce inflammation, and Visbiome was also protective in a non-human
primate model of SIV infection. Based on this evidence, it is expected that the helpful bacteria in
Visbiome will quicken the normalization of gut immune cells and function in HIV-infected
individuals as they start antiretroviral therapies. Early normalization of gut immune cells by
medical grade probiotics may benefit microbial translocation and immune activation and will
reduce the rates of HIV-associated inflammation of the gut.
Recent research has discovered the link of the gut microbiome to the gut-brain axis. The gut-
brain axis is the connection from the gut to the brain and vice versa. This connection explains
why we get butterfly feeling in the pit of our stomach when we are nervous or excited. This link
between the gut and the brain may cause the imbalance of the microbiome. Scientists believe that
the consistent use of probiotic supplements, especially the medical grade probiotics may restore a
healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
Vitamin Cove USA offers discounted price on Visbiome and other Probiotic brands.
gut gut

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Visbiome Extra Strength

The original Professor’s Claudio De Simone Formulation is now available in Visbiome Extra Strength (ES).  Available in Unflavored form, Visbiome Extra Strength contains at least 900 Billion Bacteria per powder packet. Visbiome ES is a substitute for VSL#3 DS and contains the original formulation used in VSL#3 DS before January 31 of 2016. Visbiome Prescription Strength contains the larger available concentration of live bacteria. Available by prescription the Visbiome ES contains the most  studied probiotic formulation in the world. De Simone Formulation in Visbiome is on the market for over 20 years and underwent over 60 human clinical studies.

Visbiome Extra Strength Formulation:

Eight strains of live freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria:
-Streptococcus Thermophilus
-Bifidobacterium Breve
-B. longum
-B. Infantis
-L. Acidophilus
-L. Plantarum
-L. Paracasei
-L. Delbrueckii Subsp as well as Bulgaricus.
Visbiome Extra Strength
Visbiome Extra Strength comes in a box of 30 powder packets. Visbiome ES is available at Vitamin Cove USA at Discounted price. To substitute Visbiome prescription strength, Visbiome Unflavored or Regular packets can be used. Two packets of Visbiome over the counter Powder Packets can substitute one packet of Visbiome Extra Strength.
We ship Visbiome ES in styrofoam lined box with at least one 24 oz ice pack.
Click here to access the store page:

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Visbiome Vet. New Packaging for Pets.

Visbiome Vet is a new product from ExeGi Pharma. The original De Simone Formula is now available in packaging for Pets. Visbiome capsules are now available in a bottles of 40 capsules. The same as a human strength that is available in 60 capsules, Visbiome Vet contains  112.5 billion bacteria to help establish and maintain the balance of natural flora.
visbiome vet                                                                                                       visbiome vet

Why Visbiome Vet.

Research confirms that larger amounts of good bacteria are recommended for promoting optimal health.
If a pet probiotic has only 1-2 strains of bacteria, as is the case with many probiotics available today, then know that the probiotic may not be as efficacious as your pet may require for optimal gastrointestinal health. 
The potency of your probiotic is critical. Knowing how many good or beneficial bacteria are in a scoop can indicate how effective the probiotic is.
Let’s take a quick look at a human example to make the point:
A multivitamin can contain numerous vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important for all  these ingredients to be included in at least the daily recommended allowance per serving. 
So now it’s easy to see that, even if your probiotic contains numerous strands of beneficial bacteria, you need to make sure it also contains a sufficient number of bacteria per scoop or serving.
Many products today contain between 1 and 3 million beneficial bacteria per scoop, and that is acceptable. Any amount of probiotics is better than none and can be somewhat helpful. However, in my opinion, if you really want to make sure you’re promoting optimal health and wellbeing, you can do far better.
“Ideally, I believe you’ll want to find a probiotic formula with 20, 30, 40 million or more beneficial bacteria per scoop or servingVisbiome Vet, that contains 112.5 billion active beneficial bacteria per capsule and is the most studied formulation in the world.
Visbiome is available at Vitamin Cove USA.