Friday, March 31, 2017



VSL3 Dairy Free Formulation

Recent move of manufacture to Italy allows for VSL3 DAIRY FREE FORMULATION.


VSL3  dairy free formulation was announced by VSL Pharmaceuticals. Relocation of the manufacture of VSL#3 probiotic medical food  back to Italy alows a dairy free probiotic .  VSL Pharmaceuticals  press release declares that VSL#3 Probiotic is the only dairy-free probiotic medical food available on the market at this time.

What is VSL#3 Probiotic?

The press release goes on to explain that VSL#3 (VSL Pharmaceuticals) is a probiotic medical food for the dietary management of patients with ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and ileal pouch.
Due to a big change, patients with milk allergies or lactose intolerance now are able safely take VSL#3 probiotics. Patients with corn allergies and previously used VSL3 capsules or Sachets, may be concern, due to increased amount of corn starch added  to make VSL3 dairy-free.
Most of all demand for the VSL#3 brand continues and grows. As a result, as distributors we have more customers giving great feedback and recommending VSL#3 Brand to other customers.

Original manufacturing facility in Italy allowed the VSL#3 Brand  to revert back to an established process. This process removes all dairy while maintaining the  proprietary mix of eight strains of live bacteria.”  Finally larger boxes with a new look as well as new cap to replace the peel-off covering, and  thicker powder packets are design to help maintain potency of VSL#3.
Therefore VSL#3 probiotics is a leading Brand and being in a highlight all around the world, affecting and improving lives.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Home Wart treatment.

Wart treatment Chistotelo.

When I was a kid, I heard stories that warts are given to people by frogs. Obviously later in my life I realized that it's not true. Warts are caused by a viral infection in the top layer of skin.  Most of the time warts are non-cancerous. Dark or unusual colored warts should be checked by a doctor. Wart treatment could be costly and may take few visits to a doctor.
While common warts appear on  hands and feet, other types of warts can appear all over the human body.  Face warts are known as filiform warts, Genitail warts around male and female genitals.
Plantar warts appears on the bottom and sides of the feet, while flat warts appears on face and legs. While warts that infect the skin under and around fingernails and toenails called periungal warts. Commonly shaved areas usually don't get warts. In addition immune system deficiencies are often to blame for warts in children and young adults.

Chistotelo Wart treatment                                                                   wart treatment

Wart treatment Chistotelo removes warts, by removing layers with each application, oldest and largest warts usually require fewer applications. Wart treatment Chistotelo makes  warts disappear without spending a fortune on doctors’ visits.  While treating warts, protected surrounding. After first application treated area will change color and get darker. After second application of wart treatment, the  wart becomes visible dark and looks caved in.
Treatment on less sensitive parts of the skin is usually easy and not painful, rather sensitive areas are more painful. Small amount of wart removal must be applied. When wart appears wet, indicates that enough product was used.  Protect healthy tissue around the wart.  It is important to avoid dripping of the Chistotelo on the healthy skin. Most warts will peal off after second treatment. Chistotelo removes layers of the skin, creating a cavity. Larger warts and warts with deep roots, require numerous applications.  Healing usually take as long as any other cut or scab.  Keep treated area clean and moist with triple antibiotic or bacitracin for smaller scaring. When applied to a sensitive area, wart removal product can burn on contact. Wart treatment Chistotelo removes warts without paying  for doctors visits and at your convenience.
Types of warts:
  • Genital warts
  • Hand warts
  • plantar warts
  • facial warts
  • genital warts
  • pappiloma

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Best Wart Removal Product.

arts.                                 Warts

Common warts are small, grainy skin growths that occur most often on your fingers or hands.
Common warts usually occur on your fingers or hands and may be:
  • Small, fleshy, grainy bumps
  • Flesh-colored, white, pink or tan
  • Rough to the touch
  • Sprinkled with black pinpoints, which are small, clotted blood vessels

When to see a doctor

See your doctor for common warts if:
  • The growths are painful or change in appearance or color
  • You've tried treating the warts, but they persist, spread or recur
  • The growths are bothersome and interfere with activities
  • You also have a weakened immune system because of immune-suppressing drugs, HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders
  • You aren't sure whether the growths are warts

Alternative medicine for warts

The following alternative treatments have worked for some people, but no evidence shows they're any better than salicylic acid and cryotherapy:
  • Zinc. This is available as an ointment you apply to the wart or as a pill. The oral form may be particularly effective in people with a zinc deficiency.
  • Silver nitrate. This is available as a solution or ointment you apply to the wart.
  • Smoke. Some people showed benefit from treating their wart in a "smoke box" with smoke from burnt leaves of a type of poplar tree called Populus euphratica.
  • Chistotelo Wart Removal Wart Removal Chistotelo is the ultimate solution for geting rid of warts.  This is an inexpensive medical treatment, rather then a costly aesthetic procedure. Chistotelo cures skin growths caused by HPV (human papilloma virus) in the comfort of your home, using only natural cure. Chistotelo ultimate wart removal product effectively treats warts.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Healthy gut Food.

Healthy gut Food

In theory, you should be able to digest just about any type of food you put in your mouth. Healthy gut Food is the way to go.
But changes in food processing and preparation (think fried) not to mention lifestyle (think sedentary) mean our stomachs don't always react well to everything we eat.
It's best to avoid some food—like fatty meats—to avoid upset tummies. But, fortunately, nature also provides foods that can ease our digestion. Here's a guide to what's good and what's bad when it comes to keeping your system running smoothly.
High-fat and fried food
Both high-fat and fried food can overwhelm the stomach, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. "The body can only handle so much at one time," says Jessica Anderson, RD, a diabetes educator with the Texas A&M Health Science Center Coastal Bend Health Education Center, in Corpus Christi.
High-fat food also can result in pale-colored stool, a phenomenon called steatorrhea, which is essentially excess fat in the feces. A lot of people with irritable bowel syndrome need to stay away from foods high in fat, she says, including butter and cream because they can cause digestive problems.

Chili peppers

This staple of spicy cuisine can irritate the esophagus and lead to heartburn pain.
This can be a particular problem for people with irritable bowel syndrome or those who already suffer from chronic heartburn, says Tim McCashland, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha.


You need calcium in your diet, and an easy way to get it is from dairy products such as milk and cheese. But, for the lactose intolerant, these can cause diarrhea, gas, and abdominal bloating and cramps.
Lactose intolerance, a common problem, occurs when people don't make enough lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk). Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and chemotherapy can damage the intestines, which also can lead to lactose intolerance.
If you're lactose intolerant, staying away from dairy is probably your best bet.


Alcohol relaxes the body, but, unfortunately, it also relaxes the esophageal sphincter. This can lead to acid reflux or heartburn.
Drinking also can inflame the stomach lining, impairing certain enzymes and preventing nutrients from being absorbed, Anderson says. Too much alcohol can cause diarrhea and cramping, but unless you have a gastrointestinal disorder, moderate amounts of alcohol shouldn't irritate the digestive tract.
Guidelines suggest no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women.


Berries are good for your health, but ones with tiny seeds can be a problem for people who have diverticulitis, or pockets that develop in the intestine (usually the large intestine) that become inflamed or infected.
"The theory is that the seeds will obstruct the [pockets] and pose a risk of infection," Dr. McCashland says. "It's never been proven in a study but it's always been theorized." If you find that seeds, including sunflower or pumpkin seeds, irritate your intestines, stay away from them.


A 2005 study suggested that chocolate may be a problem in those with irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation.
But chocolate itself may not be the villain, Anderson says. For people with milk allergies, the real culprit could be the milk contained in many chocolate treats. And chocolate has caffeine in it, which can stimulate cramps, bloating, and diarrhea.

Coffee, tea, and soft drinks

Coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages not only over-relax the esophageal sphincter, which keeps stomach acid confined to the stomach, but they also can act as diuretics, which can lead to diarrhea and cramping, Anderson says.
Caffeinated beverages can be a particular problem, especially for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
If you have GERD or heartburn, you should avoid mint tea; it can, however, also calm the stomach, Anderson says.


Fiber-rich corn is good for you, but it also contains cellulose, a type of fiber that humans can't break down easily because we lack a necessary enzyme.
Our evolutionary ancestors were probably able to break it down with bigger, stronger teeth, Anderson says. If you chew corn longer, you can probably digest it just fine, she says. But wolf it down and it may pass through you undigested, and cause gas and abdominal pain.


You have trillions of bacteria in your gut that help you digest food, and yogurt contains some types of these healthy bacteria. (Although not all yogurts have them—check for "live and active cultures" on the label.)
"Yogurt has bacteria, which replenishes the normal flora within the gastrointestinal tract so it's healthy," Dr. McCashland says.


Kimchi is a Korean favorite usually made with cabbage, radish, or onion, along with lots of spices. The main ingredient is usually cabbage, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon.
And cabbage is a type of fiber that's not digested, so it helps eliminate waste, keeping bowel movements regular, Anderson says. Sauerkraut is good for the same reasons.
This dish can be spicy, however, so it might not be a good option if you’ve found that spicy foods trigger digestive problems for you.

Lean meat and fish

If you're going to eat meat, go for chicken, fish, and other lean meats—they'll go down a lot easier than a juicy steak.
"Red meats tend to be fattier," Anderson says. "Your body can handle lean meats and fish and chicken a whole lot better than prime rib."
And lean meats and fish have not been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer like high-fat red meats have.

Whole grains

Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, oats, and brown rice, are a good source of fiber, which helps digestion.
"If there's one thing America lacks, it's fiber," Anderson says. "We need 20 to 30 grams a day and we maybe get 12."
Fiber also can help you feel full and lower cholesterol, but it can cause bloating, gas, and other problems in people who quickly ramp up their intake—it's better to take it slow when consuming more. And wheat grains are a no-no for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.


Bananas help restore normal bowel function, especially if you have diarrhea (say, from too much alcohol).
And they restore electrolytes and potassium that may be lost due to runny stool. This fruit also has lots of fiber to aid digestion. "A banana a day is what I always say," Anderson says.


This spice has been used for thousands of years as a safe way to relieve nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, gas, loss of appetite, and colic.
But it's best to consume it in moderation. High doses of ginger can backfire; more than 2 to 4 grams per day can cause heartburn.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Probiotic Blends for weight management.

Live Bacteria Probiotics                                                                Live Bacteria Probiotics                         Visbiome

Live Bacteria Probiotics and other probiotic blends will provide healthy benefits when eaten by humans as well as animals. Probiotics are live microorganisms that have health benefits.
Probiotics are found in both supplements and fermented foods.

Live Bacteria Probiotics:

As well as other probiotic Live Bacteria Probiotic blends may improve digestive health, heart health and immune function, as well as weight management. Some studies  suggest that probiotics can help you lose weight and belly fat.

Probiotics affect gut bacteria which may effect body  weight management.

Digestive system contains hundreds of different microorganisms. Bigger portion of this bacteria is friendly and produce several important nutrients as well as vitamin K and certain B-vitamins. Friendly bacteria help break down fiber turning it it into beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
Body weight is related to the balance of two main families of bacteria in the gut: bacterioidetes and firmicutes.
Therefore studies have found that normal-weight people and animal have different gut bacteria than overweight or obese.
More firmicutes and fewer bacteroidetes is present in obese people.
In conclusion, Live Bacteria Probiotics are playing a crustal role in improving health and quality of live, helping in battling diseases by improving symptoms and putting diseases in remission .

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Chron's and Colitis.

Bowel Diseases
Bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are collectively known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). IBD can only be treated and not cured with conventional medical therapies. Therefore, people living with either of these diseases look toward complementary medicine to supplement conventional therapies while battling their symptoms.
CAM is a wide term, as it encompasses a vast array of treatment options. It is a group of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products. CAM is not presently considered part of conventional medicine. No well-designed scientific studies exist to answer questions, however, evidence exists regarding the advantages of CAM therapies.
Patients use complementary therapies together with conventional treatment.  The Bowel Diseases Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation (CCFA) recommends that anyone considering any of the CAM approaches should discuss them with their doctor.
CAM therapies
Complementary therapies work in a variety of ways. Therapies help control symptoms and ease pain, enhance feelings of well-being and quality of life, and possibly boost the immune system.
Patients weigh the risks versus benefits when considering any therapy.  It is recommended that you ask your physician or CAM practitioner about any relevant research on the therapy you’re undergoing.
In addition to considering safety and effectiveness of a particular practice, it is also advisable to carefully choose a practitioner. Practitioners must have specific training in may of the CAM therapies.
Probiotics like VSL#3 and Visbiome are live bacteria that are similar to the beneficial (often called “good” or “friendly”) bacteria that normally reside in the intestines. Beneficial bacteria keep the growth of harmful bacteria in check, under normal circustances. Harmful bacteria overgrow if the balance between the good and bad bacteria is thrown off, leading to diarrhea and other digestive problems. Probiotics restore the balance of these “good” bacteria in the body. Probiotics are available in differnt forms of dietary supplements.
Evidence suggests positive effects with probiotics for people with Bowel Diseases. Clinical studies show that Probiotics are useful in preventing and treating pouchitis (a condition that can follow surgery to remove the colon).
Taking probiotics is generally safe and effective. Side effects (such as gas or bloating) are usually mild. Researchers have not yet adequately studied the safety of probiotics in young children, older adults, and people with compromised immune systems.

Fish Oils

Omega-3 fatty acids is found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines, as well as many nuts and leafy green vegetables. Fish oils provides many health benefits.  Patients have seen anti-inflammatory effects in rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, and cardiac disease, consequently. Patients have seen  joint pain relief with rheumatoid arthritis when given fish oils rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Aloe Vera

Patients use aloe vera topically for wound healing and pain relief. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties. Some patients have reported reduced symptoms with mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis when drinking aloe vera juice. However, no scientific studies have demonstrated this effect. Doctos should inform patients that when  taken orally, Aloe vera has laxative effects. Patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis should be careful about treatments that can boost an already overactive immune system.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Taking probiotics during pregnancy.

Small amount of information is available on benefits of taking probiotics during pregnancy. Most of the information could be found in blogs and forums, however a meta-analysis and systematic review of 8 randomized control trials of probiotic use in more than 1500 pregnant women showed: because the risk of probiotic-induced bacteremia and fungemia is low, probiotics are unlikely to reach the systemic circulation of the fetus, and therefore are unlikely to cause harm.
As a most recent studies showed that administration of probiotics to pregnant mothers has an effect on IgE levels in cord blood. This study strengthens the theory of interaction between mother and child. Therefore we can see that this interaction even more intimate than generally believed. The new study helps elucidate potential mechanisms by which mother’s microbiome and mother’s breast milk influence development of the infant’s immune system and long-term health. The study adds to an ever growing body of evidence supporting the potential long-term health benefits of a mother’s seeding her infant's microbiome.
Results of a new study also suggested that the probiotic supplementation could decrease incidence of infantile colic and regurgitation in infants, however the researchers cautioned that it was too soon to recommend routine supplementation of high-dose probiotics during pregnancy and lactation.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

VSL3 Best Deal. Vitamin Cove USA - Lowest Price and Free Shipping.

New Dairy Free formulation of VSL3 is available again. After VSL3 manufacturing moved back to Italy, the production converted back to its original process. Over 20 years old, VSL3 was found in Italy and was manufactured as Dairy Free probiotic. However, after some time the production moved to USA and VSL3 became non Dairy Free. Unlike non Dairy free version of VSL3, new version excludes Flavored Powder PacketsVSL3 Best Deal is offered by Vitamin Cove USA.

VSL3 Best Deal From Vitacoveusa.

Unlike other companies, Vitamin Cove USA is always ships VSL3 in Styrofoam Lined Boxes with at least one 24 oz ice pack. We make sure to store and ship VSL3 the way its required. Our  VSL3 Best Price is also includes Free USPS Expedited Shipping. However, we offer 2-Day shipping as well.
VSL3 best deal           vsl3 best deal

New VSL3 Dairy Free.

New VSL3 Dairy Free is available in Capsule and Powder Sachet form. VSL3 Capsules come in a bottle of 60's, while VSL3 Unflavored Packets are available in a box of 30's. VSL3 is available over the counter. However, VSL3 DS is a prescription strength and requires a doctors note.
All VSL3 products should be taking under a physician supervision.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The highest standards in live bacteria probiotics

Most popular Live Bacteria Probiotics and High Potency Medical Foods from VSL#3 and Visbiome.
  Live Bacteria Probiotic Visbiome        Live Bacteria Probiotics            Visbiome
Different probiotics contain different quantities of bacteria. Live Bacteria Probiotics VSL#3 as well as Visbiome are the world's most concentrated probiotics.  This probiotics have the highest available concentration of beneficial bacteria. In fact every sachet of Live Bacteria Probiotics VSL#3   contains 450 billion bacteria as much as Visbiome and that's almost half a trillion!
Florajen 3 capsule contains 15 billion bacteria witch is significantly less then the other two. Other probiotics  whether foods like drinking yogurt or dietary supplements such as tablets and capsules  have a considerably lower bacterial count.
Live Bacteria Probiotics          Live Bacteria Probiotics  VSL#3   Brand                                      Live Bacteria Probiotics
It is very important for the a Probiotic to have a higher available concentration of beneficial bacteria for two reasons. Firstly  we need a lot to help ensure that an adequate quantity actually get delivered to the colon.  Secondly we've already seen that the healthy human gut contains up to 100 trillion resident bacteria. An extremely  large amount of probiotic bacteria is necessary to alter this composition in a positive way. VSL#3 and Visbiome delivers  its bacteria in sufficient quantities. As part of a healthy diet and lifestyle this High Potency Medical Foods can help support a balanced gut flora.

Live Bacteria Probiotics in High Potency Medical Foods

While different Live Bacteria Probiotics probiotic products contain different quantities of bacteria, they also contain a different number and type of bacterial strains. Some probiotic dietary supplements contain several strains of beneficial bacteria, while many commonly used probiotic foods contain only a single strain. Importantly, irrespective of the strains used, the bacteria must be able to survive the strong acidic conditions of the stomach; they must be able to adhere to the inner gut wall and at least temporarily, colonise the intestine..
This unique  Live Bacteria Probiotics formulations contains eight strains of beneficial live lactic acid bacteria. Probiotic bacteria is freeze dried so they only 'wake up' in the 'warmth' of your gut.  Live Bacteria Probiotics VSL#3 and Visbiome can be stored outside of refrigerator.  Room temperature is safe for VSL#3 and Visbiome for as long as two weeks.


Live Bacteria Probiotics Leading Brands
Probiotics VSL#3 and Visbiome stands out from other probiotic products in terms of the number of bacteria it contains.  Live Bacteria Probiotics VSL#3 sachet and Visbiome packets have a the highest available concentration of beneficial bacteria, with 450 billion per unit. This two have eight specially selected strains of bacteria with a difference in one strain.  Remember, not all  probiotics are the same.
 Probiotics VSL#3 and Visbiome contain more bacterial strains and a considerably higher bacterial count than other commonly used probiotic supplements.
 Probiotics VSL#3 and Live Bacteria Probiotics Visbiome  are available at
VSL#3 and Visbiome Shipped with 24oz Ice Pack in Styrofoam lined box.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Visbiomw - De Simone Formula.

Visbiome probiotic.

Old probiotic formula with a new appearance.Visbiome probiotic

This new Visbiome probiotic formula is not really new at all. In fact, Professor Claudio De Simone invented the formula in the mid-1990s. Visibiome probiotic has been on the market under the “VSL#3®*” brand name since 2003. Some time in in early 2015 Professor De Simone began working with ExeGi Pharma, LLC to produce Visbiome probioticVisbiome probiotic contains the same formulation as found in the VSL#3®* probiotic blend produced before January 31, 2016. Most importantly VSL#3® is a registered trademark of VSL Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Visbiome probiotic is manufactured exclusively for ExeGi Pharma, LLC. Visibiome probiotic is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or distributed by VSL Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Visbiome probiotic formula.

New Visbiome probiotic contains the same formula as original VSL#3. Most of all Visbiome probiotic manufactured using the original production methods, that the Professor originally invented. Visiobiome probiotic  less costly than VSL#3, however customers using VSL#3* for relief from digestive conditions know how effective this formulation.

What is the most important thing to know about Visbiome probiotic?

Visbiome probiotic is a high potency probiotic medical food, containing 8 strains of live bacteria in concentrations of 450 billion bacteria per packet and 112.5 billion per capsule. Visbiomet intended for the dietary management of the IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), ulcerative colitis, of an ileal pouch and of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Most importantly Visbiome probiotic contains the De Simone Formulation. While other probiotics claim their ability to perform, Visbiome Probiotic is one of the most widely studied probiotics with over 60 published human clinical studies.   Visbiome is being used in more than 20 trials worldwide.
Due to the same formulation Visbiome probiotics acts as the generic equivalent of the VSL#3*
Visbiome  Ingredients:
1.Lactobacillus paracasei DSM 24733
2.Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 24730
3.Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 24735
4.Lactobacillus delbruecki subspecies bulgaricus DSM 24734
5.Bifidobacterium longum DSM 24736
6.Bifidobacterium infantis DSM 24737
7.Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 24731
8.Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 24731
Furthermore, inactive ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and vegetable capsule (hydroxypropyl methycellulose), silicon dioxide.
Most importantly Visbiome   is a medical food intended for use under the supervision of a physician.
Visbiome  Capsules contains 112.5 Billion strains and usually taken 2 to 8 capsules daily. While Visbiome probiotic Packets are taken 1 to 2 daily and contain 450 Billion strains per Sachet. As a result taking four Visbiome probiotic Capsules is equal of taking one Visbiome Packet.
In conclusion Visbiome  DS is a double strain and contains 900 Billion strains and by prescription only.
Finally Visbiome probiotic is  stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency.
Most impotently, ExeGi Pharma recently received a product license from the Health Canada Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate for the company’s generic probiotic Visbiome.

Visbiome is available at Vitamin Cove USA.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Why customers are choosing Visbiome.

With many different probiotic supplements available, more and more consumers are choosing Visbiome over other brands. And this is not surprising, because choosing Visbiome is a simple decision. Unlike other probiotic brands on the market, Visbiome formulation stands out and proven to be effective. Over 20 years old Visbiome formulation has over 60 clinical studies and is the most studied formulation in the world.
Italian professor found Visbiome formulation in early 1990's and marketed under VSL#3 brand. However, short time a go his partnership with VSL#3 Pharmaceutical ended. Professor calibrated with ExeGi Pharma and re introduced his formula  under Visbiome.

Choosing Visbiome instead of others.

Visbiome formulation contain the larges amount of live bacteria than any other probiotic in the world. Like VSL#3Visbiome is available in capsule and powder packet form. Unlike VSL#3Visbiome is also available in Flavored powder form. Visbiome capsule contain 112.5 Billion Bacteria, while Visbiome powder packet contain 450 Billion Bacteria.  Visbiome is Kosher and Halal.
Customers who are choosing Visbiome can also appreciate uniquely design capsule bottle and its cap. State of the art design protect and maximally preserves potency. Visbiome bottle protects the capsules from UV light, it is also has a specifically design lining for moister absorption. Visbiome bottle cap makes a loud clicking sound to indicate that the bottle is properly closed. Thermally sealed The Powder packets are design to do the same.
Visbiome is available at Vitamin Cove USAVisbiome is always  shipped in a styrofoam lined boxes with at least one 24oz ice pack.
Choosing Visbiome

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

VSL#3 High Potency Medical Food.




VSL# 3 is a unique blend of live, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria and bifidobateria. Different probiotics contain different bacteria, combinations and et.  Customers can not be sure if the product they are getting will do the work. Label can claim anything, facts may proof otherwise. It is important to choosing a product with proven results and studies behind it.

Patients who saffer from ulcerative colitis benefit from  VSL#3 probiotic that contains 450 billion bacteria in each sachet and 112.5 billion bacteria in each capsule. This is one of the highest concentration currently available, consisting of a set ratio of the following eight live bacterias: Bifidobacterium breveBifidobacterium longumBifidobacterium infantisLactobacillus acidophilusLactobacillus plantarumLactobacillus paracaseiLactobacillus bulgaricusStreptococcus thermophilus. These strains of probiotics are frequently occurring species in the human gut and are generally safe.
VSL#3 probiotics are available in unflavoured powder packet form as well as capsules.  VSL sachets can be consumed by adding VSL powder to a non-carbonated, cold beverage of your choice such as water, juice, or milk. Taking VSL3 while on antibiotics will reduce it effectiveness due to ability of antibiotics to destroy bad and good bacteria. Patients starting VSL# 3 can experience mild bloating. However, there are no other known side effects.
While other probiotic formulas containing beneficial bacteria do not make it to the place they need to get and die going thru GI tract, THE LIVING SHIELD VSL# 3 probiotic are design to deliver and  make it to the colon and completing it's goal.
Canada regulations require all natural health products to undergo rigorous testing. VSL# 3 Brand is approved and has Natural Product Number (NPN).
VSL#3 is Available at Vitamin Cove USA.