Wednesday, March 1, 2017

VSL#3 High Potency Medical Food.




VSL# 3 is a unique blend of live, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria and bifidobateria. Different probiotics contain different bacteria, combinations and et.  Customers can not be sure if the product they are getting will do the work. Label can claim anything, facts may proof otherwise. It is important to choosing a product with proven results and studies behind it.

Patients who saffer from ulcerative colitis benefit from  VSL#3 probiotic that contains 450 billion bacteria in each sachet and 112.5 billion bacteria in each capsule. This is one of the highest concentration currently available, consisting of a set ratio of the following eight live bacterias: Bifidobacterium breveBifidobacterium longumBifidobacterium infantisLactobacillus acidophilusLactobacillus plantarumLactobacillus paracaseiLactobacillus bulgaricusStreptococcus thermophilus. These strains of probiotics are frequently occurring species in the human gut and are generally safe.
VSL#3 probiotics are available in unflavoured powder packet form as well as capsules.  VSL sachets can be consumed by adding VSL powder to a non-carbonated, cold beverage of your choice such as water, juice, or milk. Taking VSL3 while on antibiotics will reduce it effectiveness due to ability of antibiotics to destroy bad and good bacteria. Patients starting VSL# 3 can experience mild bloating. However, there are no other known side effects.
While other probiotic formulas containing beneficial bacteria do not make it to the place they need to get and die going thru GI tract, THE LIVING SHIELD VSL# 3 probiotic are design to deliver and  make it to the colon and completing it's goal.
Canada regulations require all natural health products to undergo rigorous testing. VSL# 3 Brand is approved and has Natural Product Number (NPN).
VSL#3 is Available at Vitamin Cove USA.

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