Thursday, April 20, 2017

VSL3 Probiotic Brand Formula Change.

VSL3 Probiotic Brand
VSL3 Probiotic BrandVSL3 Probiotic Brand

VSL3 Probiotic Brand have come the long way.

More than 20 years a go Professor Claudio De Simone M.D first invented legendary formula in his Rome lab. All this years this truly revolutionary high potency probiotic formulation has helped people in battling  management of ulcerative colitis as well as an ileal pouch and irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore the original VSL3  Professor Claudio De Simone M.D formulation is helping patients to ease or completely eliminate symptoms. The original VSL#3 formulation has nearly 60 human clinical trials making it one of the most widely studied probiotics formulation in the world. Year after year,  building its reputation for being  one of the best probiotics formulation.
In 2014 Italian Professor  Claudio De Simone terminateds his relationship with VSL#3 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Starting February 2016 Professor Claudio De Simone  starts to manufacturer Visbiome in both the U.S. and Canada, under ExeGi Pharma LLC. Visbiome contains originsal ingredients used in  VSL3 Probiotic Brand before January 31st 2016. Visbiome is a generic substitute of VSL#3. New VSL#3 formulation is Deary-Free.
Visbiome contains the original formulation previosly used in VSL#3. Thetefore VSL#3 formulation was altered.
original vsl3original vsl3
VSl3  and Visbiome Shipped Mon-Wed with 24oz Ice Pack in Styrofoam lined box.
VSL3 brand and Visbiome brand is available at

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