Sunday, May 7, 2017

Visbiome Contains The Authentic VSL#3 Formula.

New probiotic Visbiome showed up on the market. However, Visbiome probiotic, inherited the best and the oldest probiotic (De Simone) formula , that is over 20 years old. This probiotic formula was originally design for relief from digestive conditions and should be taking under a supervision of physician.

About Visbiome Formula:

Italian professor Claudio De Simone  found this formula in 1990's. Soon after De Simone formula was marketed and sold under VSL#3. The most studied formulation in the world, Claudio De Simone formula has over 60 clinical studies. In 2015 the founder of probiotic formula separated from VSL Pharmaceutical and in collaboration with ExeGi Pharma came out with Visbiome. Like VSL#3, Visbiome probiotic is available in capsule and powder packet form. Unlike VSL#3 Visbiome is also available in Flavored powder form. Each Visbiome capsule contain 112.5 Billion Bacteria. Each powder packet contain 450 Billion Bacteria. Both, capsules and powder packets are available without a prescription. However, it is also available in prescription form. Visbiome ES powder packet contain 900 Billion Bacteria and requires a prescription. Visbiome probiotic has a status of a medical food and contain the largest available amount of live bacteria then any other probiotic in the world.
The unique, state of the art capsule bottle construction protects and maximally  preserves the potency of the probiotic. Special bottle lining protects Visbiome by elimination of moister. The unique bottle cap allows customers to hear when the probiotic bottle is properly closed by making loud clicking sound.
Visbiome is NON GMO, Gluten Free, Kosher and Halal. As a perishable product, it stored and shipped  refrigerated. However it is safe to store Visbiome at room temperature for as long as two weeks, without effecting its potency for another two years.
When starting Visbiome mild abdominal bloating has been reported in the first few days of consumption. This is generally a physiological adaptation of the microflora, which usually diminishes within 3-4 days. If bloating persists, the patient should reduce his or her intake for a few days until the symptoms go away.

Visbiome is a high potency probiotic medical food, containing 8 strains of live bacteria:

LactobacillusparacaseiDSM 24733
LactobacillusplantarumDSM 24730
LactobacillusacidophilusDSM 24735
Lactobacillusdelbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus*DSM 24734
Bifidobacteriumlongum±DSM 24736
Bifidobacteriuminfantis±DSM 24737
BifidobacteriumbreveDSM 24732
StreptococcusthermophilusDSM 24731
± Recently reclassified as Bifidobacterium lactis* Recently reclassified as Lactobacillus helveticus
Visbiome  is a generic substitute for VSL#3 and is manufactured using the original production methods, that the Professor originally invented. This probiotic is available at Vitamin Cove USA.
New Visbiome Study

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