Thursday, November 23, 2017

Welcoming Visbiome with open arms.

Patients battling digestive diseases are welcoming Visbiome, wherein the formulation provides relief of symptoms  associated with IBS, ulcerative colitis, pouchitis, and hepatic encephalopathy. Visbiome contains the original De Simone formulation. In the mid-1990s, Professor Claudio De Simone, M.D. invented a proprietary blend of probiotic strains (the “De Simone Formulation”).  Most recently the professor De Simone collaborated with ExeGi Pharma, LLC to produce Visbiome, a probiotic that uses the original proprietary blend of probiotic strains that De Simone originally invented over 20 years a go. Also, Visbiome Capsules contain non dairy free formulation. In fact, researchers widely studyed this formulation and with over 60 published human clinical studies this is the most studied probiotic in the world.

Welcoming Visbiome.

The Chron’s and IBD community are Welcoming Visbiome and paying close attention to  new published studies that revealed the benefits of Visbiome in patients with immune system disorders as well as shown benefits to women while pregnant.  Visbiome is non dairy free. However, Visbiome is NON GMO, Kosher as well as Halal.

About Visbiome.

Visbiome is available in capsule and powder packet form. Visbiome capsules contain 112.5 Billion Bacteria, while Visbiome powder packets contain 450 Billion Bacteria. Powder packets come in a box of 30’s. The capsules come in a bottle of 60’s. Visbiome is available in Flavored powder form as well.  Visbiome is available over the counter. However, Visbiome is a medical food intended for use under the supervision of a physician. Visbiome is available in prescription strength as well. Therefore, Visbiome ES requires a prescription from a physician. Finally, Visbiome is made in the USA.
Visbiome is shipped and stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency. However, Visbiome can be safely stored at room temperature for as long as one week.

Visbiome Ingredients.

GenusSpeciesDeposit Reference DSMZ – German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
LactobacillusparacaseiDSM 24733
LactobacillusplantarumDSM 24730
LactobacillusacidophilusDSM 24735
Lactobacillusdelbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus*DSM 24734
Bifidobacteriumlongum±DSM 24736
Bifidobacteriuminfantis±DSM 24737
BifidobacteriumbreveDSM 24732
StreptococcusthermophilusDSM 24731
± Recently reclassified as Bifidobacterium lactis* Recently reclassified as Lactobacillus helveticus

Visbiome is  available at Vitamin Cove USA.

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