Friday, December 15, 2017

VSL3 for Dogs Dosing. Will it work?

VSL3 for dogs VSL3 sellers we get calls almost every week from customers asking about using this formulation for their dogs. It is very important to know about this unique High Potency Probiotic formulation.
What Is a High Potency Probiotic?
First of all, high potency probiotic is simply a probiotic food supplement that contains an extremely high number of live viable probioticor good bacteria. Secondly, it is importent to know that the number of beneficial bacteria in a probiotic food supplement is measured in colony forming units, often shortened to CFUs. The more CFUs a product has, the more probiotic bacteria it contains. And finally we consider a probiotic of high potency to contain 50 billion+ colony forming units per serving.
Dog probiotics are becoming very popular in pet industry right now,  becauseDog probiotics are an essential supplement for dog health. However, with many differnt brands of probiotics  showing up all the time, it is essential to know which dog probiotics could be trusted the most.

Dog probiotics dosage

The method used to measure dog probiotics is colony forming units, or CFUs. Certain studies have tried to determine exactly what dog probiotics dosages can achieve the desired effect, but the numbers arrived at are usually in the hundreds of millions or more in terms of CFUs.
In addition, this helps the probiotics to move much quicker into the digestive tract. So maybe consider giving your dog the probiotic after it has taken a big drink.
Dog probiotics can be used for both short and long term purposes. However, remember to follow the dosage indicated on the label of the product.
You should also consider giving your already healthy dog a probiotic if they are prone to diarrhea. For instance, if you plan to take to take your dog on a trip, it makes sense that you give it some dog probiotics a few days prior.

Benefits of  VSL3  for dogs

1.VSL3 for dogs can Help to reduce occurrence and length of canine gastroenteritis episodes. Ingredients of VSL3 for dogs can Enhances specific immune functions in puppies.
2.VSL3 for dogs can reduce or eliminate symptoms in dogs with food intolerant or food responsive diarrhea when used with proper diet.
3.VSL3 for dogs can be easily added to their favorite food.
4.VSL3 for dogs comes in capsules and sachets.
5.VSL3 for dogs capsules contains 112.5 Billion Bacteris
7.6.VSL3 for dogs sachets contains 450 Billion Bacteris
VSL #3 Ingredients:
Eight1 strains of live freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria:
-Streptococcus Thermophilus
-Bifidobacterium Breve
-B. longum
-B. Infantis
-L. Acidophilus
-L. Plantarum
-L. Paracasei
-L. Delbrueckii Subsp. Bulgaricus
There is ongoing clinical study at the Iowa vet school. This study is testing whether the use of this VSL#3  formulation can help dogs withIBD to be less dependent on some of the heavy duty drugs they must take to stay in remission.
While VSL#3is  not cheap, but like anything else with reputation and years on the market, with stunning results for digestive diseases and high demand, proves its effectiveness.
VSL3  for dogs  dosing  could vary depending on your dog weight and size. Adult recommended dosing is 2-8 capsules daily, witch makes it from 225-9oo Billion Bacteris. The same maximum of 900 Billion Bacteria applies to sachets or packers. Remember to ask your vet before giving it to your dog.

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