Friday, December 30, 2016

Medical Food Status Visbiome.

Visbiome probiotic has a Medical Food status. Found in 1990’s Visbiome formulation has the largest amount of clinical studies and is the most studied probiotic formulation in the world. Therefore, Visbiome probiotic contains 8 species of freeze dried live bacteria and 10 times more potent than the average probiotic. As a high potency probiotic medical food, Visbiome manages the serious digestive disorders of IBS, ulcerative colitis and an ileal pouch and is intended to be used under medical supervision as per the FDA’s criteria.
Visbiome probiotic is available in powder packets and capsule form. Each Visbiome capsule contain at least 112.5 Billion bacteria. While each Visbiome packet contain 450 Billion bacteria. The unique construction of new Visbiome capsules bottle allows it to be moister-resistant. Design with engineered desiccant sleeve to control moister absorption and provide the maximum potency  preservation. Specially engineered bottle clicks, letting you know if closed properly. While specially design packets are made to prevent heat, light, moisture as well as contamination to maintain potency. Prescription strength of Visbiome available as well. Visbiome Extra Strength dispensed by prescription only.
Because Visbiome is refrigerated product, it is always shipped in a temperature controlled package.

What is Medical Food Status.

As defined in the Orphan Drug Act, medical food that are similar to prescription medications, is to be consumed under the supervision of a physician.  However, patient are not required to obtain the prescription for medical food.
Medical Food StatusMedical Food Status

How to buy VSL3 online.

While there is many offers for VSL3 online, the consumer must know some things before buying VSL3 online. When buying VSL3 or any other refrigerated probiotic, it is important to take in account how the product is being shipped.  While the price is an important factor, undermining shipping requirements by sellers can effect the product potency. Therefore, when buying VSL3 online it is important to make sure the credibility of the seller. It is important to chose the seller who ships VSL3 probiotic properly. VSL3 is shipped refrigerated. As per manufacturer policy, VSL3 is shipped in a temperature controlled package. Shipping VSL3 in the plain box or envelope, even with an ice pack, may not keep the probiotic safe.

How to buy VSL3 online.

When buying VSL3  for the first time  from online seller, we highly recommend:
  • Check the seller feedback for selected product
  • Read item condition
  • Make sure proper shipping conditions are described in product description
  • Chose proper shipping method for your region.
  • Make sure you get notified when your order is shipped
  • Pay attention to the tracking information, so you can be present at the time of delivery
vsl3 onlinevsl3 online

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Fast 1-2-3 Wart remover. Removes warts and papilomas in 1-2 applications.

How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work?

The Probiotics could be found in different strains as well as forms. Live cells Probiotics or dead cells, pills, capsules and powder packets. Time for bacteria to double its numbers, defines How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work? Main goal of probiotic bacteria is to outnumber it competitors, the so called “bad bacteria”. Ones this goal is accomplished, it needs short enough time to get growth within the food, as it moves along through the digestive system. Different strains of probiotics show different growth rate. This suggest that a mixture of different strains can enhance utilization time.

How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work?

The probiotics can start working  as early as in 2-3 hours. However, it may even takes weeks.  This depends on how rapidly colonization will occur. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria have both shown an ability to survive the trip to your intestines, where they are able to destroy excess bad bacteria gathered there. Within the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains are several different species. When you purchase a probiotic, read the label to find out if the microorganisms are alive or freeze-dried. They have to be one or the other to do you any good. Therefore, if they’re live, the label should give you instructions for keeping them way, possibly by refrigeration.
Probiotics like  VSL#3 and Visbiome contain the largest available concentration of Live Bacteria in the world. VSL#3 and Visbiome contain the most studied formulation in the world as well. They come in capsule and powder pocket form. The capsule contain 112.5 Billion Bacteria, while the powder packet contain 450 Billion Bacteria. VSL#3 and Visbiome are available over the counter. However, VSL#3 DS and Visbiome ES, require the prescription.
How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To WorkHow Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work
How Safe Is To Take Probiotics?
While no or very little side -effects have being reported, for some people, a probiotic boost leads to bloating or diarrhea, so cut back if your stomach gets upset. Probiotics are considered to be Safe. However, it is important to speak to your physician before starting probiotics.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

VSL 3 Capsule Contain 112.5 Billion Lactic Bacteria.

Each VSL 3 Capsules Contains one the largest amounts of live bacteria available in any other similar form of any other  probiotic in the world. VSL 3 Probiotic was found over 20 years a go. In 1990’s Italian professor Claudio De Simone discovered VSL 3 formulation while working in his  Rome lab. VSL 3 probiotic is available in powder sachet form is well.  VSL 3 Unflavored sachet contain 450 Billion of  Bacteria, while VSL 3 DS contain 900 Billion. Most importanetly, VSL 3 Capsule and VSL 3 Sachet are  available over the counter. However, VSL 3 DS Powder Packet are dispence by the prescription. VSL 3 probiotic is Deary-Free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Kosher as well as Halal.

VSL 3 Capsule ingredients:

8 strains of live freeze dried bacteria, hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose (= 00 size vegetarian capsule), cornstarch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, stearic acid and microcrystalline cellulose  (Manufactured in Italy)..
VSL 3 Capsules are available at discount price at Vitamin Cove USA.
VSL 3 capsule

Friday, December 23, 2016

VSL3 New look. Deary-Free.

On the market for more then 15 years, VSL3 new look with Deary-Free formulation was introduced in 2016.  Found in 1990's, VSL3 probiotic  is intended for treating symptoms of UC, IBS as well as other digestive diseases. Originally manufactured in Italy VSL3 formulation was deary-free. At some point VSL3 probiotic production was moved to US. This move made VSL3 to convert to non deary-free probiotic. However, in 2016 VSL3 manufecturing moved back to Italy and converted back to original DearyFree blend.  Probiotics are not created the same. While other probiotics are unable to deliver  bacteria thru GI tract, VSL3 gets it right where it needs to get, in to colon.
With over 60 clinical studies, VSL3 contain the most studied formulation in the world. VSL3 contains one of the largest amounts of live bacteria, available in any probiotic. VSL3 probiotic is freeze dried combination of 8 strains. While probiotics are not required FDA approval, VSL3 is approved by the FDA, it is Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Deary-Free as well as Kosher and Halal. VSL#3 is also approved in Canada. Most importantly, VSL3 probiotic has a status of a High Potency Medical Food.

VSL3 new look:

VSL3 new packaging label as well as new VSL3 new capsule bottle was also introduced in 2016. New bottle provides sunnlight and UV proteection, while a new construction cap provides protection for maximum potency preservation. VSL3 probiotic comes in capsules and powder packet form. Each VSL3 capsule contain 112.5 Billion of lactic acid bacteria. VSL3 sachet contain 450 Billion bacteria. VSL3 is available in Unflavored powder form. Each box of VSL3 sachet contain 30 packets. VSL3 capsule comes in a bottle of 60's.
VSL3 is available over the counter. However it is also available in prescription form. Prescription powder packet of VSL3 DS contain 900 Billion bacteria. VSL3 is a perishable product. Therfore, it requires proper storage conditions between 39-46 degrees Fahrenheit. VSL3 probiotic is shipped in a temperature controlled package to maximally preserve it potency. However, VSL3 can be safely stored outside of the refrigerator for as long as two weeks.

vsl3 new

One of the best probiotic Visbiome formulations .

One of the best probiotic Visbiome formulations has a long history behind it. Over 20 years old the best Probiotic Visbiome formulation was found in 1990’s. While in Italy, professor De Simone discovered this probiotic formulation. With over 60 clinical studies, Visbiome probiotic formulation is the most studied probiotic formulation in the world. While other probiotics are unable to deliver needed bacteria pass the GI tract,  Visbiome probiotic delivers large amount of good bacteria right in to colon. De Simone formulation helps people to battle symptoms of UC, BID and other digestive system diseases. Good bacteria is essential for human health. Visbiome probiotic is freeze dried combination of 8 strains. While containing the original formula previously used in VSL#3 probiotic it is cheaper,  because is using already established production process. Live bacteria delivered by best probiotic Visbiome is naturally prodused bu human body.
While Proper bacterial balance is crustal for human gut, this balance could be easily disturbed. Therefore probiotic like Visbione can be very beneficial by providing large amount of good bacteria and providing extra help to human gut.  Antibiotics can reduce peobiotic effectiveness.  Recent studies also showed positive effects from highly concentrated probiotics like Visbiome for immune system in AIDS patients. While probiotics are not required FDA approval, best probiotic Visbiome is approved by the FDA, it is Non-GMO, Gluten Free as well as Kosher and Halal. Visbiome is also approved in Canada. Most importantly, Visbiome has a status of a High Potency Medical Food. Most importantly, Visbiome is manufactured in USA.
Visbiome probiotic comes in capsules and powder packet form. Each Visbiome capsule contain 112.5 Billion of lactic acid bacteria. Powder packet of Visbione contain 450 Billion bacteria. Visbiome is available in Lamon Flavored and Unflavored packet form. Each box of Visbiome powder packets contain 30 packets. Probiotic capsule comes in a bottle of 60’s.
State of the art Visbiome bottle ensures minimal moisture intrusion and preserves maximum potency. While it has Patented three-phase Activ-Polymer® technology to reduce moisture it also has moisture absorption sleeve that surrounds product. Engineered seal controlled with close-in-the mold technology as well as positive closure “click” seal lid to ensure low moisture ingress.
Visbiome is available over the counter. However it is also available in prescription form. Prescription powder packet of Visbiome ES contain 900 Billion bacteria. Visbiome is a perishable product. Therforen it requires proper storage conditions between 39-46 degrees Fahrenheit. Visbiome probiotic is shipped in a temperature controlled package to maximally preserve it potency. However, Visbiome can be safely stored outside of the refrigerator for as long as two weeks.

Best  Probiotic Visbiome Primary Ingredients:

1.Lactobacillus acidophilus
2.Lactobacillus plantarum
3.Lactobacillus bulgaricus
4.Lactobacillus paracasei
5.Bifidobacterium breve
6.Bifidobacterium longum
7.Bifidobacterium infantis
8.Streptococcus thermophilus
Visbiome Capsule Inactive Ingredients 
microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide as well vegetable capsule (hydroxypropyl methycellulose)
Adult Recommended Daily Visbiome Dosage
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 2-4 capsules per day
Ulcerative Colitis (maintenance) 4-8 capsules per day
Best Probiotic visbiomeBest Probiotic visbiome

Monday, December 19, 2016

Visbiome Probiotics. De Simone Formulation.

Home » Visbiome Probiotics. De Simone Formulation.
Visbiome ProbioticVisbiome-Probiotic. Free Expedited Shipping. Shipped in a Styrofoam lined cooler.

Ingredients of Visbiome-Probiotic:

Visbiome-probiotic manufactured using the original production methods, that the Professor De Simone originally invented in 1990’s.
While Visbiome-Probiotic  less costly than other similar products, it is used for relief from digestive conditions like IBS), ulcerative colitis (UC), pouchitis, and hepatic encephalopathy (HE).  
The most important thing to know about Visbiome probiotic?
Visbiome probiotic is containing 8 strains of live bacteria in concentrations of 450 billion bacteria per packet and 112.5 billion per capsule. Visbiome is intended for the dietary management of the IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) ulcerative colitis, of an ileal pouch and of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome
Visbiome-probiotic contains the De Simone Formulation and one of the most widely studied probiotics with over 60 published human clinical studies. Most importantly, currently Visbiome-probiotic is being used in more than 20 trials worldwide.
It is recommended that Visbiome-probiotic is stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency.
Visbiome-probiotic comes in packets and capsules.

Directions for Visbiome-probiotic packets.

Patients should consume 1-2 of  Visbiome-Probiotic packets daily as directed by their physician.  Also, adjustment period of the intestinal flora can take a few days or weeks. However, sometimes adjustment may take up to one month for the colonization of the gut to become optimally stable, if consumed on a regular basis.
Serving Size and Dosage:
Each box of Visbiome-Probiotic  Packets comes in 30 Count , each individual packet of Visbiome-Probiotic  Packet contains at least 450 billion live probiotic bacteria. Visbiome-Probiotic  powder can be mixed with your favorite food or non carbonated drink.
Directions for Visbiome-probiotic Capsules and Packets.

Patients should consume 2-8 Capsules daily or 1-2 Packets as directed by their physician.

Visbiome-probiotic  is a medical food intended for use under the supervision of a physician.
ExeGi Pharma recently received a product license from the Health Canada Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate for the company’s generic probiotic, Visbiome-probiotic, according to a press release.

This new Visbiomeprobiotic formula is not really new at all. In fact, Professor Claudio De Simone invented the formula in the mid-1990s. Visibiome-probiotic has been on the market under different name since 2003. Some time in in early 2015 Professor De Simone began working with ExeGi Pharma, LLC to produce Visbiome-probioticVisbiome-probiotic contains the original formulation. 

Visbiome-probiotic formula.

New Visbiome-probiotic contains the same formula as original formulation. Most of all Visbiome-probiotic manufactured using the original production methods, that the Professor originally invented. Visiobiome probiotic  less costly than other similar probiotics, however customers using Visbiome for relief from digestive conditions know how effective this formulation.
What is the most important thing to know about Visbiome-probiotic?
Visbiome-probiotic is a high potency probiotic medical food, containing 8 strains of live bacteria in concentrations of 450 billion bacteria per packet and 112.5 billion per capsule. Visbiomet intended for the dietary management of the IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), ulcerative colitis, of an ileal pouch and of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Most importantly Visbiome-probiotic contains the De Simone Formulation. While other probiotics claim their ability to perform, Visbiome-Probiotic is one of the most widely studied probiotics with over 60 published human clinical studies.   Visbiome is being used in more than 20 trials worldwide.
 Visbiome-probiotics ingredients:

1.Lactobacillus paracasei DSM 24733
2.Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 24730
3.Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 24735
4.Lactobacillus delbruecki subspecies bulgaricus DSM 24734
5.Bifidobacterium longum DSM 24736
6.Bifidobacterium infantis DSM 24737
7.Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 24731
8.Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 24731
Furthermore, inactive ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and vegetable capsule (hydroxypropyl methycellulose), silicon dioxide.
Most importantly Visbiome   is a medical food intended for use under the supervision of a physician.
Visbiome  Capsules contains 112.5 Billion strains and usually taken 2 to 8 capsules daily. While Visbiome probiotic Packets are taken 1 to 2 daily and contain 450 Billion strains per Sachet. As a result taking four Visbiome probiotic Capsules is equal of taking one Visbiome Packet.
In conclusion Visbiome  DS is a double strain and contains 900 Billion strains and by prescription only.
Finally Visbiome probiotic is  stored under refrigerated conditions (39-46°F, 4-8°C) to ensure maximum potency.
Most impotently, ExeGi Pharma recently received a product license from the Health Canada Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate for the company’s generic probiotic Visbiome.
Visbiome Probiotic
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