Friday, December 9, 2016

Newly Released Visbiome

Newly released Visbiome original VSL#3 formulation:
The probiotic formulation in the new Visbiome probiotic has come a long way. Newly released Visbiome was created in the 1990’s by Italian professor, Claudio De Simone and sold under the name VSL#3 for many years. Newly released Visbiome provides its customers with relief from UC, IBD, and many other digestive system diseases symptoms.  Patients rely on this formula, as it helps them with symptoms and improves their quality of life. With over 60 clinical studies, this formulation is the most studied probiotic in the world. Recently, Professor De Simone separated himself from VSL#3 Pharmaceuticals and, in collaboration with ExiGi Pharma, gave his formulation, Visbiome, a new life.
Newly released Visbiome original VSL#3 formulation contains the original strains, in the same concentration and proportions as VSL#3 before January 31 of 2016Like VSL#3, Visbiome probiotic comes in a capsule form, as well as a powder packet form. The benefit of the capsules is an easy dosage control for daily intake. Powder Visbiome High Potency Probiotic sachets are slightly harder to consume. Each Visbiome sachet contains four times more bacteria than the Visbiome High Potency Probiotic Capsules. A significant gap between minimum and maximum recommended doses (2-8), makes it easy to adjust and find the right dose to work for you.
Different probiotic products contain different quantities of bacteria. The products contain different strains. Some probiotic dietary supplements contain several strains of beneficial bacteria. However, many commonly used probiotic foods contain only a single strain. Despite the strains used, the bacteria must be able to survive the strong acidic conditions of the stomach. They must be able to attach to the inner gut wall, and they must, at least temporarily, colonize the intestine. Other probiotics cannot deliver as effectively, and die while going through the GI tract, newly released Visbiome High Potency probiotic capsules get the job done. Newly released Visbiome delivers medication right where it’s needed most- the colon.
The capsules come in a bottle of 60. Each capsule contains 112.5 Billion bacteria.  Visbiome packets come in a box of 30. Each Visbiome packet contains 450 Billion bacteria. While Visbiome capsules and packets are available over the counter, Visbiome DS is a prescription strength probiotic and, therefore, requires a prescription. Unlike VSL#3 probiotic, newly released Visbiome contains the original De Simone formulation and is not dairy free. Additionally, the patients who took VSL#3 for years with a concern due to possible corn allergies, can safely switch to newly released Visbiome original VSL#3 formulation from VSL#3. However, patients with corn allergies can still safely take the dairy free version of VSL#3.

Newly Released Visbiome High Potency Probiotic Capsules Ingredients:

Eight strains of live freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria:
-Streptococcus Thermophilus
-Bifidobacterium Breve
-B. longum
-B. Infantis
-L. Acidophilus
-L. Plantarum
-L. Paracasei
-L. Delbrueckii Subsp. Bulgaricus

Customers give newly released Visbiome High Potency Probiotic Capsules  to smaller animals easily, because of smaller bacteria count. Customers can open Newly released Visbiome Capsules and spread over food, or added to a treat. This makes it much easier and much more pleasant than working with a pill or capsule.

Storage of newly released Visbiome High Potency Probiotic Capsules:

Visbiome is available as 1-Pack, 2-Pack, 3-Pack as well as 4-Pack.
Visbiome may be stored at room temperature (below 78° F) for up to two weeks without adversely affecting potency, however newly released Visbiome High Potency Probiotic Capsules should be refrigerated (36-46° F or 2-8° C) for long term storage.

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