Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Probiotics are essential for human health. Looking at probiotic foods list it is easy to notice that different probiotic supplements contain different combinations or even single bacteria. However, some other probiotics like VSL#3 and Visbiome contain 8 strains of live bacteria and are the first one on best probiotic foods list. This High Potency Medical Foods contain the largest concentration of live bacteria then any other probiotic in the world. With over 60 clinical studies, this probiotic formulation is the most studied in the world. Unlike some other probiotics formulation is FDA approved.

Best probiotic foods list.

Visbiome formulation is not new to this list. Found in 1990 by Italian professor Claudio De Simone this formulation is over 15 years old.  Originally it was marketed under VSL#3 by VSL Pharmaceuticals. However, not so long a go separated from VSL and in collaboration with ExeGi Pharma professor came out with Visbiome. Containing the same strains in the same concentration Visbiome is a generic equivalent of VSL#3. Like Vsl#3 it is available in capsules and powder packet form. However, Visbiome is also available in Flavored Packets.  VSL#3 Flavored Packets are unavailable at this time.
Each Visbiome Capsule contain 112.5 Billion Bacteria, while each packet contain 450 Billion. Visbiome is also available in prescription form, Each packet of Visbiome ES contain 900 Billion Bacteria. Visbiome is a High Potency medical Food and intended for the dietary management of dysbiosis associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis (UC), pouchitis, and hepatic encephalopathy (HE). It is intended for use under the supervision of a physician. Visbiome is shipped and stored refrigerated.
probiotic foods listHigh Potency Medical FoodVisbiome packets

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